Everything listed are base prices. Prices can vary depending on complexity, details, character, style, etc.
Sketch (Additional Chars + 70% original base price)
Rough lines + flat color
- $20 Headshot
- $35 Half Body
- $55 Full Body

Sketch With Simple Shading (Additional Chars + 70% original base price)
Rough lines with color simple shading + flat/simple background
- $40 Headshot
- $65 Half Body
- $85 Full Body

Full Rendered (Additional Chars + 70% original base price)
Painterly rendering + flat/simple background
- $60 Headshot
- $95 Half Body
- $115 Full Body

Full Illustration (Additional Chars + 70% original base price) (+ ~$70 for more complex and detailed background)
Painterly rendering + complex composition and background
- $250 Half Body
- $350 Full Body